Frequently Asked Questions about Test Administrator Training
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Frequently Asked Questions about Test Administrator Training

What training is available for HSA-Alt Test Administrators?


The HSA-Alt summative assessments training sessions for Test Administrators (TAs) will usually be held in late January – early February each year. Materials from the training sessions are made available on the portal after the training sessions have been completed. Please find the most recent training materials at


TA Certification Course


Anyone who will administer the HSA-Alt summative and/or Classroom Embedded Assessment to students must first complete the online HSA-Alt TA Certification Course. To access this course, Test Administrators need their TIDE username and password. Test Administrators can access the online TA live site after completing this course.  This course needs to be completed each year even if you completed a TA certification course in the previous year. 




Training materials, recordings, and training modules are available in the “Trainings and Webinars” folder under the Resource sections on


When does the Classroom Embedded Assessments (CEAs) training for HSA-Alt Test Administrators take place?


The virtual CEAs training for HSA-Alt Test Administrators who intend to administer the assessment to their students is being held in late September or early October each year. The HSA-Alt CEAs training is being held virtually, recorded, and made available on the portal after the training.


If I cannot attend the HSA-Alt training session for either the summative assessments or Classroom Embedded Assessments (CEAs), how can I get certified?


Test Administrators should contact Hwahee Sohn at the HIDOE Assessment Section at 808-307-3636 for information on how to become certified to administer the HSA-Alt summative or Classroom Embedded Assessment.